Kansas Late Model/Stock Cars
Lap #18

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To keep on viewing more drivers, click the next lap below the last photo on each page. It may appear the stock cars are in order by there numbers, but on the whole site they are not.

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
Orville Clinton from Minneapolis in the #37 Mercury at Topeka.
Photo #647

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
One of the masters of Topeka area racing. Galen Schaefer in the #11.
Photo #648

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
Tom Wunder from Topeka and the #15 he drove in the later 70's.
Photo #649

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
Ray King in the 77/78 era at Topeka.
Photo #650

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
Perry Kadous and the crew at Topeka.
Photo #651

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
Sam Randol from Topeka. Photo #651

Photo contributed by Ronny Reed.
Gary Jellison along with most of the drivers on this page are Topeka Legends.
Photo #652

Photo Contributed by Lynn Moshier
Larry Morton of Hutchinson drove this Monte Carlo.
Photo 784

The #77 that Gary Holbert of Concordia drove.
Photo contributed by Lyyn Moshier
Photo #785

Photo contributed by Lynn Moshier
Greg Holbert #7 and Lynn Moshier #8 get together at Salina Speedway.
Photo #786

Lap #19

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