Kansas Late Model/Stock Cars
Lap #19

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Photo contributed by Lynn Moshier
The late Garry Abell of Beloit drove this #9.
Photo #787

Photo contributed by Lynn Moshier
Milton Ward of Great Bend drove this #97, and also John Miles drove this car too. I'm thinking John was from Pratt. Clark Stone rings a bell as the owner of the #97's???
Photo #788

Photo contributed by Lynn Moshier
Lynn Moshier from Minneapolis wins at Salina speedway. Photo #789

Photo contributed by Duane Toyne.
Garry Abell at Salina Speedway mid 70's after a trophy dash.
Photo #883

Photo contributed by Duane Toyne
I was informed this is John Nitsch not John Craig. Thanks for the info from Tracy Nitsch, and I'm sorry for any inconvience on this mistake.
John Craig from Manhattan at the Topeka Fairgrounds Speedway.
Photo #884

Photo contributed by Jamie Clawson-Young.
The Late Jim Clawson at the wheel.
Photo #885

Photo contributed by Jamie Clawson-Young.
Another car Jimmy drove.
Photo #886

Photo contributed by Jamie Clawson-Young
Another one of Jimmy's rides
Photo #887

Photo contributed by Jamie Clawson-Young.
The 14 crew.
Photo #888

Photo contributed by Duane Toyne
Things like this happen in racing, but we sure don't like to see this. This is what is left of Lynn Moshier's ride. Maybe Lynn will get with us and fill us in on this photo.
Photo #889

LAP #20

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